A Study In Worship

Lesson 14

Conclusion Of All Things

We have been learning about worship. But what it boils down to is a fear and love for God, and an awesome respect for His holiness. All that we have taught them would be totally futile if they do not love God and those around them. His commandment is to love one another. I want to emphasize that in this last lesson.

We have learned a lot about God, about where He lives and His angels. We have learned about His creation and all the things He has provided for us. We learned about His names and even what He looks like. And lastly we have learned how to worship Him. But without a fear and respect for Him and His commandments, we haven't really learned anything. What do I mean by this. Let's see.

Ecclesiastics 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep his commandments.

One of His commandments is to love one another (I John 4:7&8)

Worship is much more than just words. You can't say I love you Lord and then hate people around you. You need to show Him that you love Him by loving those around you. We can sing the songs and worship God, but if you leave it all at church, it doesn't mean anything.

You have to be a Christian all the time, not just inside the church walls. You have to act like Jesus no matter where you go. If you tell your people about the things that you learn in church and don't act any different than you did before you ever came to church, is that good? No! We need to learn all the wonderful things about God and then we need to act it out every day of our lives.

I John 4:7&8 Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God

He that loves not knows not God, for God is love.

Do you know God? Then love those around you. People need to see that you are different, in a good way. Go out here and practice all the things that you have learned here. That's what it's all about.

I Peter 2:17 says Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, Honor the King.

That covers it. Before you can become a true worshipper, which is what we have been learning, you must first be sure that you don't have anything against anyone.

I Cor. 13:1 says that if we don't have love, we are like sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. Ouch! That's a lot of noise, but no music. God won't even hear us if we don't love. We might as well save our breath.

Rev. 14:7 tells us to "Fear God and give glory to Him,........Worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."

If you love someone you will honor or respect them and do what they say. God says to love, so if we say we love Him, we must love others. Then we can worship Him for who He is and all that He has done for us.

Read Psalm 100, and 150

Is there is someone that they find it hard to like or love. Then pray to receive God's love for that person and help to forgive them if they have done something to hurt them. God can give a supernatural love to you for someone that you just can't seem to love. I know, He has done it for me. You may be surprised to see how many will need prayer.

By Judy Warren

  Lesson 1 on Worship

Lesson 2 on Worship

Lesson 3 on Worship

Lesson 4 on Worship

Lesson 5 on Worship

Lesson 6 on Worship

Lesson 7 on Worship

Lesson 8 on Worship

Lesson 9 on Worship

Lesson 10 on Worship

Lesson 11 on Worship

Lesson 12 on Worship

Lesson 13 on Worship