Shout To The Lord


Jesus was a wonderful story teller.

One story he told was about

a man that got beaten up along a road.

They took everything, and left him for dead.

A priest came along.  The man cried out for help!

The priest crossed the road, and went along his way.

Then a Levite came along. He too, crossed the street and left him there.

Then a kind Samaritan came along. He stopped and cleaned up his wounds

and put him on his own animal, and took him to an inn.

There he made sure he would be taken care of, and left enough money to pay for it.

Which of these three was the good neighbour?

Then he turned and said

"Go and do likewise."

After a long journey, Jesus sat down by a well.

The disciples went into town to buy something to eat.

While he was sitting there, a woman came along to draw water.

Jesus asked her for a drink.  She was surprised that he did,

because she was a Samaritan, and Jews did not associate with them.

Jesus told her

"If you knew who it was that asked you. You would be asking me for a drink.

And I would give you living water." She didn't understand him.

He said, "If you drink the water from this well, you will be thirsty again.

But if you drink the water that I would give you, you will never thirst again.

He then told her some things about herself and she believed in him.

Jesus was talking about Eternal Life.

Jesus said,

"God is a Spirit, and those that worship him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth."

When Jesus was preaching one day, a large crowd had gathered and

there was no where for them to eat. Jesus asked his disciples to find food.

A young boy was found, that had a small lunch. He brought it to Jesus.

Jesus took it and blessed it, and broke it. Then he gave it to his disciples, and told them to feed the people.

There was 5000 people there that day.  They were able to feed them all and there was 12 baskets full of food left over. I always like to think of the blessing that little boy got that day.  He was a big part of a tremendous miracle.

The religious people of the day, were always trying to trap Jesus in some way. This day they brought a woman caught in adultery.  They wanted to stone her to death. They came to Jesus, to see what he would do. He looked at them all and asked who was without sin?  He could cast the first stone.  Gradually they all dropped their stones, and walked away.  Jesus looked at the woman and said, "If no one condemns you, neither do I! Go and sin no more!

Jesus did many miracles in his ministry.

A blind man came to him to be healed.

Jesus put mud on his eyes, and told him to go wash,

and he would be healed.

He did, and he was!

Jesus is wonderful!

He loves us so much!

I'm so glad he is my friend,

aren't you? Be sure to keep reading

This story is continued on the next page.

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Jesus Friend of Children